John Rowland
Three Term Governor
State of Connecticut

John G. Rowland’s 20-year public service career has distinctly improved the quality of life in Connecticut.

His communication skills and coalition building talents were major factors in the rebirth of the capitol city of Hartford, as well as other major cities in the state. The landmarks of his legacy can be seen across Connecticut.

Investments in public elementary education during Governor Rowland’s tenure made Connecticut #1 in reading, writing, and mathematics. Under John Rowland’s watch, investments in the arts positioned Connecticut as #1 nationwide in arts endowments. Investments in the state university system, as well as local community colleges, have resulted in Connecticut gaining a competitive edge in attracting students from around the world.

As Governor, Rowland initiated one of the nation’s few state-sponsored “Faith Based Initiatives,” partnering state government with churches and religious organizations to focus on supportive housing, substance abuse, job training, and prison reform.

From welfare reform to higher education, John Rowland helped make Connecticut an environment for world-class opportunities and hope.

John Rowland became a member US House of Representatives at the age of 27. He served three terms in the US Congress and, during his ten-year tenure as Governor, served as Chairman of both the National Republican Governors’ Association and the New England Governors’ Association.

Facing preliminary investigative hearings by a legislative panel he stepped down from public office on July 1, 2004. On April 1, 2005, he began serving a sentence of one year and one day at a federal institution in Loretto, Pennsylvania, after accepting a plea agreement.

Today, he is a much sought after motivational, inspirational speaker and is extensively involved in community outreach services.


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