Founder's Welcome
Chair's Welcome
Mayor's Welcome
Sponsorship Opportunities
Exhibitor Opportunities
Award Nominations
Most Powerful & Influential Women
Multicultural Leadership
2016 Award Recipients
Keynote Speaker
Master of Ceremonies
Contact Us
2016 Conference
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Sponsorship Opportunities
If your organization is interested in becoming a partner or sponsor for the Florida Diversity and Leadership Conference, please contact Raphael Parra at [email protected].
DiversityFIRST™ — $25,000 (Limited to Two)
- The official Title Sponsor for the Florida Diversity & Leadership Conference
- Conference will be titled after your corporate name (i.e. Nationwide Insurance 2013 Florida Diversity & Leadership Conference)
- Title Sponsor recognition in statewide advertisements
- Three representatives from your organization have the opportunity to sit at the head-table for both the breakfast and luncheon portions
- Speaking Opportunity for one of your Executives to speak (10 minutes)
- Formal recognition plaque during the Keynote Luncheon
- Organization’s logo/name on all conference even promotional materials and conference badges
- Recognition as Title Sponsor in official conference program (logo on front cover)
- Organization’s banners/signage prominently displayed - will have the opportunity to display up to 4 banners throughout the conference area (sponsor provided)
- Full-page color advertisement (7”X10”) inside front cover of conference program (sponsor provided)
- Organization’s logo on diversity conference website linked to your homepage
- Reserved seating for all major conference portions
- Double-sized exhibit booth in a premier location (table)
- 25 full conference registrations
DiversityLEADERSHIP — $15,500 (Limited to Three)
- Luncheon Title sponsor (Luncheon titled after corporate name)
- An opportunity to introduce the keynote speaker and the opportunity to give him/her their award after they speak. Both opportunities are speaking opportunities at the microphone
- Recognition in statewide print & email advertisements
- Formal recognition plaque during the Keynote Luncheon
- Organization’s logo/name on all conference event promotional materials
- Two representatives have the opportunity to sit at the head-table for both luncheons
- Organization’s logo/name on official conference program
- Organization’s banner/signage prominently displayed. Will have the opportunity to display up to 2 banners throughout the conference area (sponsor provided)
- Full-page color advertisement (7”X10”) in conference program (sponsor provided)
- Organization's logo on diversity conference website linked to your homepage
- Reserved seating for all major conference portions
- Double-sized exhibit booth in a premier location (table)
- 20 full conference registrations
DiversityCHAMPION — $10,500
- Select event/activity sponsor (Corporate name on event)
- Reception
- Registration
- An opportunity to speak at your sponsored event
- Formal recognition plaque during the Keynote Luncheon
- One representative has the opportunity to sit at the head-table
- Organization’s logo/name on all conference event promotional materials
- Organization’s logo/name on official conference program
- Organization’s banner/signage prominently displayed (sponsor provided)
- Full-page color advertisement (7”x10”) in conference program (sponsor provided)
- Organization's marketing materials included in tote bags
- Organization's banner/signage prominently displayed (sponsor provided)
- Full-page color advertisement (8.5X11) in conference program (sponsor provided)
- Organization’s logo on diversity conference website linked to your homepage
- Reserved seating for all major conference portions
- One exhibit booth in a premier location (table)
- 15 full conference registrations
DiversityADVOCATE — $7,500
- Formal recognition plaque during the Keynote Luncheon
- Organization’s logo/name on all conference event promotional materials
- Organization’s logo/name on official conference program
- Organization’s banner/signage prominently displayed (sponsor provided)
- Full-page color advertisement (7”X10”) in conference program (sponsor provided)
- Organization’s logo on diversity conference website linked to your homepage
- Reserved seating for all major conference portions
- Full-page color advertisement (8.5X11) in conference program (sponsor provided)
- Organization's logo on diversity conference website linked to your homepage
- Reserved seating for all major events
- One exhibit booth (table)
- 10 full conference registrations
DiversityCAMPAIGNER — $5,500
- Formal recognition plaque during the Keynote Luncheon
- Half-page color advertisement in conference program (sponsor provided)
- Organization’s logo/name on all conference event promotional materials
- Organization’s logo/name on official conference program
- Organization’s banner/signage displayed (sponsor provided)
- Organization’s logo on diversity conference website linked to your homepage
- 8 full conference registrations
DiversityGUARDIAN — $3,500
- Organization’s logo/name in official conference program as a sponsor
- Organization’s logo on diversity conference website linked to your homepage
- 5 full conference registrations
DiversityPATRON — $1,200 (Nonprofit Organizations Only)
- Organization’s logo/name in official conference program
- Organization’s logo on diversity conference website linked to your homepage
- 3 full conference registrations
Ad Opportunities
- Full Page — $800
- Half Page — $600
- Quarter Page — $400